Hands-on and online activities.
Hands-On Activities
The Sun in the Sky: Daily Motion
The Sun in the Sky: Seasonal Motion
- Ancient Sun Observations - Make your own Sun tracker to explore how ancient civilizations around the world studied the Sun
- Kinesthetic Astronomy - Through simple body movements, learners gain insight into the relationship between time and motions of Earth
- Make Your Own El Castillo - Build a foam core model of the great pyramid at Chichen Itza used to celebrate solar events
- Solar Alignments at El Castillo - Use a model to recreate alignments of the Sun with the great pyramid of Chichen Itza
- Seasons of Solar Panels - Use a globe and solar cells to demonstrate how solar energy reaching the Earth changes with the seasons
The Sun in the Sky: Structure
- Solar Cookies - Create your own edible representation of the Sun using cookies and other baking materials
- Electromagnetic Spectrum - Create your own poster describing the electromagnetic spectrum and some everyday sources and detectors of the different wavelengths of light
- Detecting Invisible Light - Explore different wavelengths of light at stations to determine what can shield or transmit those kinds of light.

Online Activities
The Sun in the Sky: Daily Motion
The Sun in the Sky: Seasonal Motion

- Seasons Interactive - - This simulator (from LHS SEPUP) demonstrates how the tilt of Earth’s rotation axis creates variations in daylight hours and temperature throughout the year
- Seasons Simulator- This simulator (from the Khan Academy) demonstrates how the tilt of Earth’s rotation axis creates variations in daylight hours and sunlight intensity throughout the year
The Sun in the Sky: The Sun: Structure