Lisa Upton
Dr. Upton is an accomplished scientist who has made significant contributions to our understanding of the Sun. She is currently a Lead Scientist at Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. She received her Ph.D. in Physics from Vanderbilt University in 2014, where she worked on developing a cutting-edge model of the evolution of the Sun’s photospheric magnetic field. Her research interests include understanding the solar dynamo, solar cycle variability, and the impact on the Sun-Earth environment. In particular, she is interested in observing solar flows and active regions, as well as modeling magnetic flux transport on the Sun. In particular, she is interested in advancing Sun-Earth system research by bridging the solar interior and the solar atmosphere with her model in order to improve space weather and space climate predictions.
Dr. Upton is a dedicated researcher who is passionate about her work. She has published over 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals, is included on over 70 presentation abstracts, and has served on numerous national and international committees. She is a member of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) and the Solar Physics Division of the AAS. Lisa also served as co-chair to the NASA/NOAA Solar Cycle 25 Prediction Panel.
In addition to her research, Dr. Upton is also a passionate science educator. She uses her website,, as a platform to share her knowledge about the Sun and its impact on our planet with the general public and scientists alike. She has given numerous talks to the public about solar physics.She has mentored several undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs. She is an inspiration to young scientists and a role model for women in STEM.