The Higher Education Working Group within NASA’s Science Mission Directorate sponsored this guide to English-language materials on women in astronomy. It was updated to include more younger women and people of color among the women featured. It is not meant to be a comprehensive introduction to this complex topic, but merely a sampling of useful resource for educators and their students on the history, the biographical information, and the current issues.
One of the defining marks of humanity is our ability to affect and predict our environment. Science – the creation of structure for our world – technology – the use of structure in our world – and mathematics – the common language of structure – all have been part of our human progress, through every step of our path to the present. This website includes a stunning collection of 32 videos and essays from women across the agency who contribute to NASA’s mission in many different ways. We hope to give you a glimpse of the talent we have at the agency today. Their stories illuminate the vibrant community of dedicated women workers who play a vital role at the agency.
Women and Girls of NASA
This website includes a stunning collection of 32 videos and essays from women across the agency who contribute to NASA’s mission in many different ways. We hope to give you a glimpse of the talent we have at the agency today. Their stories illuminate the vibrant community of dedicated women workers who play a vital role at the agency.